For the extraordinary and ciritically acclaimed composer/pianist Martin Kohlstedt it is always about discourse, transformation and reflection. Yet for the first two albums composed by the german pianist some very talented electronic musicians like Mathias Kaden put hands on and worked their magic. Now the pieces taken from Martins current album STRÖME will be given their extraordinary treatments.
Under the name RECURRENTS a collection of reworks of the original pieces will be released soon – song by song. The musicians involved, all of them companions of Martin Kohlstedt, could tap into a wealth of resource materials: The recordings for the original album with the Gewandhaus choir, the piano tracks and the electronic soundscapes and more were the contents of the treasure chest at their disposal.
First stepping in is internationally renowned electronic artist Henrik Schwarz who transports JINGOL to the edge of the dancefloor, adding repetitive warmth and distil the precious minimalism within.
Henrik Schwarz…
“Finally doing something involving a choir – that was a wish of mine for a long time. Martin made that possible for me and I was very happy about the opportunity. In the process I found out that the material was quite complex and definitely nothing that could just be altered or worked with easily. When producing music for clubs I always try to create a musical flow that lets you experience the dramatic changes in tone, key and dynamics in orchestral music in a completely different way. On the dance floor such unforeseen changes can be off-putting or disturbing because they break this flow. The question I asked myself was whether it was possible to keep the dramatic feel of the original and still achieve this musical flow?”
Peter Broderick, founding member of Efterklang and artist in the roster of world famous and critically acclaimed Erased Tapes Records, drafts a dark spoken work chasm around THIPHY.